


 BOSI electronics:RS-232/RS-485 expert  English  中文

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Main Feature

Click the MODEL name ,the datasheet will be opened (.pdf)

Model Function Feature Price
EX232 Extende RS-232 distance to 500 meters directly   +5V power supply! $100
ETH232GL1 ETHENET to RS-232/485 Optical isolated $180
4232A one RS-232 to four dependent RS-232 No power supply! $125
4485A one RS-232 to four dependent RS-485 No power supply! $125
8232A one RS-232 to eight dependent RS-232 No power supply! $250
16232A one RS-232 to sixteen dependent RS-232 No power supply! $375
USB485 USB to RS-485/RS-422 converter No power supply! $85 
USB232 USB to RS-232 converter No power supply! $50 
S812[A] 8-channel 12-bit A/D   RS-232 data acquisition system No power supply! $120